Poster: Design Ideas

The poster will need to visually match the look of the digipak and to do this in my own work I will re-use the drawings which I initially manipulated. I will also use the same shades of blue for either the background of the poster or the text. The font choices will also remain the same throughout the poster so as to keep a consistent appearance.

Although I initially stated that I would just use the image from the digipak as the central focus on the poster, I am considering using the octopus-lady to create a reoccurring pattern. This will act as the background and then I will superimpose the text on top of this pattern using the same shades of blue from the digipak. To ensure the text is visible I will use a large font; the text will then become the central focus rather than the image. In doing this, I am not just recreating my digipak in poster form, I am carefully reusing images to make a new piece which does match the original digipak.

Here is a quick mock-up piece which I created on Powerpoint:

Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 10.04.29

This currently looks quite plain though as it is lacking colour, even though I will induce colour through use of text I am still worried that it will look too bland. To change this I could perhaps add a border of colour or even add sections of colour in between the octopus figures.

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